Type Three: The Achiever

Pursuing Success

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Understanding Type Three: The Achiever

Enneagram Type 3, known as “The Achiever,” is characterized by a relentless drive for success and recognition. Individuals who identify with this type are goal-oriented and often prioritize their professional achievements. This article delves into the key traits, motivations, virtues, and areas for growth for Type 3, providing insights into how they navigate their world.

Key Characteristics

Healthy Traits

  • Ambitious: Type 3s are driven and goal-oriented, striving for success and recognition in their endeavors.
  • Confident: They exude self-assurance and belief in their abilities, projecting an image of competence and capability.
  • Adaptable: Type 3s are flexible and adept at adjusting to changing circumstances, making them versatile in various situations.
  • Efficient: They excel in time management and productivity, maximizing their resources to achieve their objectives.

Unhealthy Traits

  • Image-Oriented: Type 3s may prioritize appearances over authenticity, striving to maintain a polished image at the expense of genuine connection.
  • Workaholic: They can become consumed by their pursuit of success, neglecting their well-being and personal relationships in favor of advancing their goals.
  • Approval-Seeking: Type 3s may seek validation and approval from others to validate their self-worth, becoming dependent on external recognition for validation.

Guided Primarily by Emotions: Type 3s belong to the Heart (or Feeling) Triad, alongside Types 2 and 4. This triad is characterized by a primary emotional response of shame or a sense of deficiency. Viewing life through the lens of interpersonal connections, they interpret the world as depriving them of love and approval. To address this, they focus on their identity and influence how others perceive them. For Type 3 individuals, this manifests as a drive for success and achievement to prove their worth and gain approval from others.

Guided Primarily by Emotions: Type 2s belong to the Heart (or Feeling) Triad, alongside Types 3 and 4. This triad is characterized by a primary emotional response of shame or a sense of deficiency. Viewing life through the lens of interpersonal connections, they interpret the world as depriving them of love and approval. To address this, they focus on their identity and influence how others perceive them. For Type 3 individuals, this manifests as a drive for success and achievement to prove their worth and gain approval from others.

Type Three’s Relational Style

In Friendships

Type 3 individuals are charismatic friends who value success and achievement. While they are supportive and outgoing, they may be reluctant to share vulnerable emotional connections.

In Marriage

In marriage, Type 3s bring ambition and determination. They are committed partners who strive for success but may struggle with tender vulnerability.

In Parenting

Type 3 parents encourage independence and success in their children, sometimes prioritizing achievements over exploring their child’s inner-world.

In the Workplace

Type 3s excel in leadership roles, driven by a desire for recognition and success. They may struggle with work-life balance.

In their relationships, Type Threes must prioritize genuine connection and truthful vulnerability, not just working together toward goals.

Core Motivation & Fear

Core Desire: Success—Type 3s are motivated by achievement, recognition, and admiration. They strive to excel and project an image of success, valuing alignment between their public persona and personal goals.

Core Fear: Failure—Type 3s fear being perceived as incompetent or unsuccessful. They strive to avoid failure at all costs and may sacrifice authenticity to maintain a persona of success.

Vice & Virtue

Deadly Sin: Deceit—Type 3 individuals may deceive themselves, projecting a flawless image to hide perceived flaws from both others and themselves, sacrificing authenticity in pursuit of the appearance of success.

Virtue: Authenticity—Rejecting their persona and embracing authenticity allows Type 3s to connect with others on a genuine level and pursue goals that align with their true values. Doing so, they can find fulfillment beyond external achievements.

Fundamental Messages

Unconscious Childhood Message: “Your worth is determined by your achievements and external validation.”

Lost Childhood Message: “You are valuable and worthy of love, regardless of your accomplishments.”

Type Three’s Developmental Story

Nature & Nurture

In addition to their biological temperament, Type Threes may have been raised in environments where achievement and looking successful was highly valued, and little attention was given to their inner emotional world.

Unconscious Childhood Message

“Your worth is determined by your achievements and external validation.”

Deadly Sin

Deceit—Type 3 individuals may deceive themselves, projecting a flawless image to hide perceived flaws from both others and themselves, sacrificing authenticity in pursuit of the appearance of success.

Lost Childhood Message

“You are valuable and worthy of love, regardless of your accomplishments.”


Authenticity—Rejecting their persona and embracing authenticity allows Type 3s to connect with others on a genuine level and pursue goals that align with their true values.

Type Three’s Developmental Story

Nature & Nurture

In addition to their biological temperament, Type Threes may have been raised in environments where achievement and looking successful was highly valued, and little attention was given to their inner emotional world.

Unconscious Childhood Message

“Your worth is determined by your achievements and external validation.”

Deadly Sin

Deceit—Type 3 individuals may deceive themselves, projecting a flawless image to hide perceived flaws from both others and themselves, sacrificing authenticity in pursuit of the appearance of success.

Lost Childhood Message

“You are valuable and worthy of love, regardless of your accomplishments.”


Authenticity—Rejecting their persona and embracing authenticity allows Type 3s to connect with others on a genuine level and pursue goals that align with their true values.

Reactive & Proactive Responses


Under stress, Type 3s may become reactive and lean towards their stress arrow, exhibiting traits akin to Type Nine. When unhealthy, they can become disengaged, complacent, and prone to escapism, avoiding confrontation and responsibility. However, in a healthy state, they may tap into the positive aspects of Type Nine, becoming more relaxed, patient and group-oriented.


When tapping into their growth arrow, associated with Type Six’s positive traits, Type 3s adopt a proactive stance. In a healthy state, they become more cooperative, community-minded, and committed, embracing their inner sense of security and becoming more attuned to their own needs and those of others. Yet, when unhealthy, they may regress towards the negative traits of Type Six, becoming hyper-vigilant, paranoid and anxious.

What Type of Three Are You?

3w2 – The Charismatic Achiever

Key Traits: Blending the ambitious drive of Type 3 with the nurturing qualities of Type 2, 3w2 individuals are charismatic and driven to succeed while also prioritizing the needs of others. They excel in leadership roles and are adept at building supportive networks.

Strengths: Exhibits charm, empathy, and a strong desire to help others succeed.

Challenges: Struggles with balancing personal ambition with the needs of others.

Growth Opportunities: Learning to set boundaries and prioritize self-care allows 3w2s to maintain their drive for success while fostering healthier relationships. They thrive in fields such as sales, public relations, coaching, and event planning.

3w4 – The Ambitious Innovator

Key Traits: Merging the ambitious drive of Type 3 with the creative flair of Type 4, 3w4 individuals are innovative and goal-oriented, seeking success while expressing their unique identity. They are drawn to artistic pursuits and strive to stand out in their chosen endeavors.

Strengths: Demonstrates ambition, creativity, and a strong sense of individuality.

Challenges: Tends towards perfectionism and may struggle with feelings of inadequacy.

Growth Opportunities: Embracing authenticity and vulnerability while pursuing their goals allows 3w4s to find fulfillment beyond external achievements. They thrive in creative fields such as design, writing, filmmaking, and entrepreneurship.

A Type Three’s Story: David’s Transformation

David, a charismatic executive embodying the Type 3 personality, thrived in the corporate world, driven by ambition and external recognition. Yet, beneath his success lay a sense of emptiness, a realization that he was living a life shaped by others’ expectations. Amidst this realization, David embarked on a journey of self-discovery, grappling with his own struggles with work/life balance and authenticity. As he nurtured his inner world and paid more attention to his emotions, he found deeper enjoyment in his relationships with friends and family. He also unearthed a newfound passion for helping others navigate similar challenges. Transitioning from the corporate realm, David embraced his calling as a coach, guiding fellow professionals towards a more balanced and authentic way of living and working. Through his own transformation, David found fulfillment in empowering others to live authentically and thrive in both their personal and professional lives.

Personal Growth Tips

1. Practice Self-Reflection

Take time to reflect on your goals, values, and aspirations, ensuring they align with your authentic self.

2. Embrace Vulnerability

Recognize that vulnerability is a strength, not a weakness, and allow yourself to be open and honest with others.

3. Enjoy a Secret Hobby

Indulge in a private passion or interest, something that brings you joy and excitement away from the eyes of the world and your professional goals.

4. Unmask With Your Inner-Circle

Meet with a small group of friends weekly where you seek mutual vulnerability and not admiration.

Additional Resources

Get the free resource Your Relationship Cheat Sheet: A Simple Enneagram Activity to Build Better Relationships instantly now!

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