Type Six: The Loyalist

Pursuing Security

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Understanding Type Six: The Loyalist

Enneagram Type 6, known as “The Loyalist,” is characterized by a deep sense of loyalty and a desire for security and guidance. Individuals who identify with this type are driven by a need for certainty and often seek reassurance from trusted authority figures. This article explores the key traits, motivations, virtues, and areas for growth for Type 6, offering insights into how they navigate their world.

Key Characteristics

Healthy Traits

  • Reliable: Type 6s are dependable and trustworthy, consistently following through on their commitments and obligations.
  • Prepared: They are diligent about planning and preparation, taking proactive steps to anticipate and address potential challenges.
  • Community-Oriented: Type 6s prioritize the well-being of their community and actively contribute to its welfare, fostering a sense of belonging and support.
  • Trustworthy: They are honest and forthright in their interactions, earning the trust and respect of those around them through their integrity and reliability.

Unhealthy Traits

  • Anxious: They can become consumed by worry and fear, imagining worst-case scenarios and struggling to find peace of mind.
  • Suspicious: Type 6s may develop distrust towards others, constantly questioning their motives and intentions.
  • Hypervigilant: They may be constantly on edge, scanning their environment for potential dangers and unable to relax.

Guided Primarily by Thoughts: Type 6s belong to the Head (or Thinking) Triad, alongside Types 5 and 7. This triad is characterized by a primary emotional response of fear or anxiety, often stemming from a deep-seated sense of insecurity and doubt. They perceive the world as unpredictable and threatening, leading them to seek security and certainty in their thoughts and actions. For Type 6 individuals, this manifests as a tendency to anticipate and prepare for worst-case scenarios, as well as a strong desire for guidance and reassurance from trusted authorities.

Guided Primarily by Thoughts: Type 6s belong to the Head (or Thinking) Triad, alongside Types 5 and 7. This triad is characterized by a primary emotional response of fear or anxiety, often stemming from a deep-seated sense of insecurity and doubt. They perceive the world as unpredictable and threatening, leading them to seek security and certainty in their thoughts and actions. For Type 6 individuals, this manifests as a tendency to anticipate and prepare for worst-case scenarios, as well as a strong desire for guidance and reassurance from trusted authorities.

Type Six’s Relational Style

In Friendships

Type 6 individuals are loyal and supportive friends, valuing trust and reliability above all else. They offer guidance and encouragement, but may sometimes struggle with suspicion and doubt.

In Marriage

In marriage, Type 6s bring dedication and loyalty to their partners. They prioritize stability and security, often seeking reassurance and validation from their spouse. However, their tendency to worry and anticipate problems may lead to occasional tension in the relationship.

In Parenting

Type 6 parents prioritize the safety and well-being of their children. They instill values of responsibility and preparedness, teaching their children to navigate the world with caution and awareness. However, their tendency to worry may sometimes result in overprotectiveness or excessive concern.

In the Workplace

Type 6s excel in roles that require reliability and attention to detail. They are diligent workers who thrive in structured environments, often taking on responsibilities to ensure the success of the team. However, their inclination to question themselves and others may inadvertently foster an atmosphere of distrust and undermine confidence in their coworkers’ abilities.

In their relationships, Type Sixes must express trust and support, not just questions and concerns.

Core Motivation & Fear

Core Desire: Security—Type Sixes are driven by a need for safety and stability, seeking reassurance and guidance to navigate life’s uncertainties. They long for a sense of trust and certainty in themselves and their surroundings.

Core Fear: Abandonment—Type Sixes fear being left alone or unsupported, constantly seeking the security of belonging and protection from potential threats. They strive to avoid situations where they feel vulnerable to danger.

Vice & Virtue

Deadly Sin: Fear—Type Sixes grapple with excessive anxiety and apprehension, often leading to doubt, indecision, and suspicion. Their fear can paralyze them, hindering their ability to take risks or trust others fully.

Virtue: Courage—Facing their fears head-on and taking decisive action despite uncertainty allows Type Sixes to cultivate courage and resilience. By confronting their anxieties and embracing challenges, they can find strength and confidence.

Fundamental Messages

Unconscious Childhood Message: “It’s not okay to trust yourself.”

Lost Childhood Message: “You are safe, supported and capable of facing challenges with courage and resilience.”

Type Six’s Developmental Story

Nature & Nurture

In addition to their biological temperament, Type Sixes may have been raised in environments where insecurity, inconsistency and uncertainty were prevalent.

Unconscious Childhood Message

“It’s not okay to trust yourself.”

Deadly Sin

Fear—Type Sixes grapple with excessive anxiety and apprehension, often leading to doubt, indecision, and suspicion.

Lost Childhood Message

“You are safe, supported and capable of facing challenges with courage and resilience.”


Courage—Facing their fears head-on and taking decisive action despite uncertainty allows Type Sixes to cultivate courage, resilience and confidence.

Type Six’s Developmental Story

Nature & Nurture

In addition to their biological temperament, Type Sixes may have been raised in environments where insecurity, inconsistency and uncertainty were prevalent.

Unconscious Childhood Message

“It’s not okay to trust yourself.”

Deadly Sin

Fear—Type Sixes grapple with excessive anxiety and apprehension, often leading to doubt, indecision, and suspicion.

Lost Childhood Message

“You are safe, supported and capable of facing challenges with courage and resilience.”


Courage—Facing their fears head-on and taking decisive action despite uncertainty allows Type Sixes to cultivate courage, resilience and confidence.

Reactive & Proactive Responses


When triggered by stress, Type Sixes become reactive and may lean towards their stress arrow, displaying traits akin to Type Three. When unhealthy, they may become overly focused on achievement, driven by a fear of failure, and may exhibit workaholic tendencies. When healthy, they may tap into traits such as confidence, courage, and strategic thinking.


When Type Sixes tap into their growth arrow, associated with Type Nine’s positive traits, they adopt a proactive stance. If healthy, they embrace inner peace, trust, and relaxation, letting go of constant worry and embracing life with a sense of calmness. However, when unhealthy, they may slip into harmful traits like indecisiveness, narcotization and avoidance.

What Type of Six Are You?

6w5 – The Loyal Investigator

Key Traits: Combining the cautious skepticism of Type 6 with the analytical mindset of Type 5, 6w5 individuals are highly observant and analytical. They possess a strong sense of skepticism and tend to seek knowledge and understanding as a means of feeling secure.

Strengths: Demonstrates keen observation skills, analytical thinking, and thorough research abilities.

Challenges: Tends towards overthinking and skepticism, which can lead to indecision and anxiety.

Growth Opportunities: Embracing trust in oneself and others, and learning to balance skepticism with openness to new ideas. 6w5s excel in careers in research and fields that require meticulous attention to detail, thorough analysis, and structured environments, such as academia, research institutions, data analysis, and investigative law enforcement.

6w7 – The Enthusiastic Collaborator

Key Traits: Blending the cautious nature of Type 6 with the spontaneous energy of Type 7, 6w7 individuals are enthusiastic and adaptable. They approach challenges with a sense of optimism and enjoy exploring new possibilities.

Strengths: Exhibits creativity, adaptability, and a positive outlook on life.

Challenges: Struggles with anxiety and indecision, particularly when faced with uncertainty or change.

Growth Opportunities: Cultivating mindfulness to manage anxiety, setting realistic goals, and learning to balance spontaneity with practicality. 6w7s find fulfillment in careers in dynamic fields that allow for creativity and collaboration while offering stability, such as event planning, project management, consulting, and administrative assistance.

A Type Six’s Journey: Michael’s Transformation

Michael, a meticulous project manager, embodied the essence of the Type 6 personality, constantly striving for perfection and meticulously planning every detail of his projects. However, his tendency to overthink and fear making mistakes often hindered his ability to take risks and trust his instincts. One day, during a meeting, his boss praised his consistent top-notch work and noted his invaluable contributions to the team. This recognition sparked a realization in Michael: he actually had a long history of taking calculated risks and trusting his judgment, often leading to successful outcomes. As he left the meeting, Michael began to embrace the idea that he didn’t need to predict every outcome and that he had the capability to handle challenges as they arose. This shift in perspective allowed him to enjoy his work more and approach it with a newfound sense of confidence and courage.

Personal Growth Tips

1. Take Calculated Risks

Step out of your comfort zone gradually to build confidence and resilience.

2. Challenge Worst-Case Thinking

Combat anxious thoughts by questioning the realistic likelihood of worst-case scenarios.

3. Recall Past Courage

Reflect on moments where you displayed courage to boost confidence.

4. Seek Support

Lean on trusted friends or family for reassurance and guidance as you take concrete steps forward.

Additional Resources

Get the free resource Your Relationship Cheat Sheet: A Simple Enneagram Activity to Build Better Relationships instantly now!

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