Type Seven: The Enthusiast

Pursuing Happiness

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Understanding Type Seven: The Enthusiast

Enneagram Type Seven, known as “The Enthusiast,” is characterized by a zest for life and a love of adventure. Individuals who identify with this type are driven by a desire for new experiences and opportunities for excitement. This article explores the key traits, motivations, virtues, and areas for growth for Type Seven, offering insights into how they navigate their world.

Key Characteristics

Healthy Traits

  • Enthusiastic: They approach life with infectious enthusiasm, inspiring others to join them on their adventures.
  • Spontaneous: Sevens are spontaneous and adaptable, embracing change and unpredictability with enthusiasm.
  • Adventurous: Type Sevens are known for their adventurous spirit, always seeking out new experiences and opportunities for excitement.
  • Optimistic: They have a natural ability to see the bright side of life and maintain a positive outlook, even in challenging situations.

Unhealthy Traits

  • Escapist: Sevens may use excessive activity or stimulation to avoid uncomfortable emotions or realities, leading to a cycle of avoidance and dissatisfaction.
  • Overindulgent: Their pursuit of pleasure and avoidance of discomfort may lead to overindulgence in food, substances, or other vices.
  • Restless: They have difficulty staying grounded and may constantly seek out new experiences to ward off boredom.

Guided Primarily by Thinking: Type 7s belong to the Head (or Thinking) Triad, alongside Types 5 and 6. This triad is characterized by a primary emotional response of fear or anxiety, driving Type 7s to perceive the world as unpredictable and threatening. In response, they seek out support and resources, often manifesting as a relentless pursuit of happiness through excitement and novelty.

Guided Primarily by Thinking: Type 7s belong to the Head (or Thinking) Triad, alongside Types 5 and 6. This triad is characterized by a primary emotional response of fear or anxiety, driving Type 7s to perceive the world as unpredictable and threatening. In response, they seek out support and resources, often manifesting as a relentless pursuit of happiness through excitement and novelty.

Type Seven’s Relational Style

In Friendships

Type 7 individuals are lively and adventurous friends who value spontaneity and fun. However, they may struggle with commitment and depth in their friendships.

In Marriage

In marriage, Type 7s infuse their relationships with spontaneity and joy, but may need support in navigating deeper emotional connections and facing challenges with patience and commitment.

In Parenting

Type 7 parents are playful and imaginative, but may struggle with consistency and follow-through on rules and discipline.

In the Workplace

Type 7s excel in dynamic work environments, bringing energy and innovative creativity, but may need to focus on long-term goals and systems to keep them on track to reach their goals.

In their relationships, Type Sevens must offer commitment and deeper emotional connection, not just excitement and novelty.

Core Motivation & Fear

Core Desire: Happiness—Type Sevens are driven by a relentless pursuit of happiness and fulfillment. They seek out excitement, joy, and novelty in all aspects of life, constantly searching for experiences that bring them joy.

Core Fear: Being Deprived and Trapped—Type Sevens fear being deprived of enjoyment and trapped in pain. The most sensitive to pain of all the types, they avoid situations or commitments that might limit their freedom or be painful.

Vice & Virtue

Deadly Sin: Gluttony—Type Sevens indulge in excess, seeking pleasure and stimulation to avoid discomfort or pain. They may overconsume experiences, relationships, or material possessions, leading to a lack of fulfillment and satisfaction.

Virtue: Sobriety—By learning to moderate their impulses and live in the moment without seeking distraction, Type Sevens move beyond indulgence to experience true satisfaction and fulfillment.

Fundamental Messages

Unconscious Childhood Message: “Relying on others isn’t safe so you must be your own soothing nurturer.”

Lost Childhood Message: “You will be taken care of.”

Type Seven’s Developmental Story

Nature & Nurture

In addition to their biological temperament, Type Sevens may have been raised in environments where the nurturing they received from others often felt insufficient, leaving them to care for their own pain.

Unconscious Childhood Message

“Relying on others isn’t safe so you must be your own soothing nurturer.”

Deadly Sin

Gluttony—Type Sevens indulge in excess, seeking pleasure and stimulation to avoid discomfort or pain.

Lost Childhood Message

“You will be taken care of.”


Sobriety—By learning to moderate their impulses and live in the moment without seeking distraction, Type Sevens move beyond indulgence to experience true satisfaction and fulfillment.

Type Seven’s Developmental Story

Nature & Nurture

In addition to their biological temperament, Type Sevens may have been raised in environments where the nurturing they received from others often felt insufficient, leaving them to care for their own pain.

Unconscious Childhood Message

“Relying on others isn’t safe so you must be your own soothing nurturer.”

Deadly Sin

Gluttony—Type Sevens indulge in excess, seeking pleasure and stimulation to avoid discomfort or pain.

Lost Childhood Message

“You will be taken care of.”


Sobriety—By learning to moderate their impulses and live in the moment without seeking distraction, Type Sevens move beyond indulgence to experience true satisfaction and fulfillment.

Reactive & Proactive Responses


When triggered by stress, Type Sevens become reactive and may lean towards their stress arrow, displaying traits akin to Type One. When unhealthy, they may become hyper-critical, anxious, and fixate on their shortcomings. When healthy, they tap into traits such as responsibility, focus, and a deeper sense of purpose.


When Type Sevens tap into their growth arrow, associated with Type Five’s positive traits, they adopt a proactive stance. If healthy, they embrace introspection, focus, and depth, allowing them to find fulfillment beyond surface-level experiences. However, when unhealthy, they may become detached, isolated, and overwhelmed by pessimism.

What Type of Seven Are You?

7w6 – The Engaging Visionary

Key Traits: Combining the adventurous spirit of Type Seven with the loyalty and security-seeking of Type Six, 7w6 individuals are enthusiastic and engaging. They enjoy exploring new ideas and experiences while also valuing safety and stability.

Strengths: Demonstrates creativity, optimism, and loyalty.

Challenges: Struggles with anxiety, indecision, and a fear of missing out.

Growth Opportunities: Finding a balance between excitement and security, learning to manage anxiety, and embracing uncertainty. 7w6s thrive in careers that allow for both exploration and stability, such as entrepreneurship, creative arts, teaching, and counseling.

7w8 – The Bold Adventurer

Key Traits: Fusing the adventurous nature of Type Seven with the assertiveness and self-confidence of Type Eight, 7w8 individuals are bold and assertive. They pursue their desires with vigor and enjoy taking risks to achieve their goals.

Strengths: Exhibits courage, independence, and a sense of adventure.

Challenges: Struggles with impulsiveness, impatience, and a tendency towards excess.

Growth Opportunities: Cultivating patience, tempering impulsiveness with thoughtful action, and learning to embrace vulnerability. 7w8s excel in dynamic careers that offer autonomy and excitement, such as entrepreneurship, leadership roles, sales, and entertainment.

A Type Seven’s Story: Mark’s Journey

Mark, a vibrant entrepreneur, embodied the adventurous spirit of a Type Seven, always seeking the next thrill. However, beneath his outgoing demeanor lay a hidden struggle. Using his relentless pursuit of excitement as a distraction, Mark turned to addictive behaviors to numb his emotions. Despite his outward success, he found himself trapped in a cycle of addiction and discontentment. His fear of missing out led him down a path of self-destruction, and he found himself in a dark place, feeling lost and disconnected. It wasn’t until he hit rock bottom that he realized he needed to confront his inner demons and seek help. Through therapy and support, Mark began to address his addiction and underlying emotional wounds, finding joy in deeper connections with himself and others.

Personal Growth Tips

1. Embrace the Present

Cultivate gratitude for the present moment, finding joy and contentment in the here and now.

2. See Pain as Valuable

View pain as a valuable teacher, guiding you towards growth, wisdom and maturity.

3. Explore Wounds

Dive into your emotional wounds with curiosity and compassion, seeking healing and insight.

4. Embrace Stillness

Embrace moments of stillness and reflection, allowing space for inner peace and clarity to emerge.

Additional Resources

Get the free resource Your Relationship Cheat Sheet: A Simple Enneagram Activity to Build Better Relationships instantly now!

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